As announced some time ago, NINO is to enter into a closer cooperation with Leiden University and the National Museum of Antiquities (Leiden). NINO’s curatorium (Board of Governors) has decided to restructure NINO into a research institute, differently organised from the current institute. This autumn we are working hard at the preparations; the changes will take effect starting from January 2018.
The NINO library will be put on loan to Leiden University Library, and form a recognisable part of its planned Middle Eastern Library. The acquisition budget will be doubled and our current library staff members will be employed by Leiden University.
NINO’s Böhl Collection of cuneiform texts will be put on loan to the National Museum of Antiquities, that will take care of preservation and rapid digitisation. The NINO publications will be continued also in cooperation with the Museum.
The new NINO research institute will be firmly rooted in our well-known NINO library, which is to retain its excellent collection and accessibility, as well as its visibility within Leiden University Library. A considerable annual budget will be made available for research activities and fellowships.
Further Details:170915_NINO state of affairs August 2017 summary.pdf
A detailed update in Dutch is available on our website: