We invite PhD students and Early Career Researchers (up to +4 years since PhD was awarded) who study any aspect of Egypt’s history from the Predynastic Period through the Islamic Period (inclusive of digital humanities, the history of Egyptology, etc.) to take our survey on the current state and future prospects in Egyptology. For the purposes of this survey we use the term ‘Egyptology’, liberally. Full details are available below: The survey will only be up until October 4th. If you are commencing your PhD studies this autumn, you are welcome to take part as well! Please share this post anywhere you like, including your own social media pages. Thank you!
The purpose of this survey is to gauge the current state and future prospects in Egyptology and related fields for current PhD Students/Researchers and Early Career Researchers. The survey is anonymous. However, we do ask questions on gender, age, location, etc. for statistical purposes and to chart potential differences across these variables. We ask that those eligible, as defined below, complete the whole survey. You may complete the survey piecemeal, by saving and returning to the survey at your leisure. The whole survey should take at most 20-30 minutes to complete. You may discontinue the survey at any time you like. Anonymous answers and statistical data will feed into a peer reviewed paper on the state of the field of Egyptology that is being co-authoured by Justin Yoo, Carl Walsh, and Paul van Pelt.
Research ethics information:
The information you provide in this survey is regarded as strictly confidential and will be held securely until the research is finished. All data for analysis and reporting is anonymous. No identifiable information will be used for publication. At all times there will be no possibility of you being tied to any data. The UK Data Protection Act 1998 will apply to all information gathered within the survey and held on password-locked software. No data will be accessed by anyone other than the authors. As this survey is purely evaluative institutional ethics clearance in the UK was not required. The survey has been deemed exempt from full IRB review by Brown University and has been approved as such.
Justin Yoo, King’s College London
Carl Walsh, Brown University
Paul van Pelt, University of Cambridge
If you have any questions or comments, please email us at: EgyptologySurvey@outlook.com