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Dear members of the IAE,

The deadlines both for nominations for the Presidency of the IAE and post of Secretary General, and for bids to host the International Congress in 2023, have now passed.

President / Vice-President
We have received two nominations for the office of President, as follows:

– Professor Dr TAREK TAWFIK, Associate Professor, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University: CV Tarek Tawfik.pdf
– Professor Dr WILLEKE WENDRICH, Director, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Los Angeles: CV Willeke Wendrich.pdf

At least ten Professional or Honorary members have indicated their support for each of the candidates, as required by the Statutes. Both have prepared statements outlining a vision for the Association and its activities over the next four years:

– Vision statement by TAREK TAWFIK: Tawfik_4 year plan IAE.pdf
– Vision statement by WILLEKE WENDRICH: Wendrich_IAE vision.pdf

The voting procedure will start on 1 August 2019 and works as follows: After login to the IAE page (“My IAE Account” > a link will allow current IAE members to vote. By statute (cf. ยง3.1), only professional and honorary members are entitled to vote (

We have decided to set the deadline a little later than was advertised previously. Members are asked to cast their votes no later than Saturday 28 September 2019 โ€“ this deadline has been set a little later than previously advertised in order to ensure that as many members as possible have the opportunity to participate in the election.

The candidate with the greatest number of votes gets the function of President, the second highest becomes Vice-President. The term of the new presidency will start on the first day of the Congress in Cairo (3 November 2019).

Secretary General
The Secretariat received only one nomination for the post of Secretary General, the candidate being Professor Dr RICHARD BUSSMANN, Professor of Egyptology at the University of Cologne, Germany.
Prof Dr Bussmann is a well-known and respected member of the International Egyptological community who has held permanent positions in the UK and in Germany and has extensive experience of working in Egypt as well. A full biography is available here:
He is eminently qualified to undertake the role of Secretary General and we are very grateful to him for his willingness to undertake this role in addition to his duties at the university.

As there are no other candidates for the role, we propose to recommend that Prof Dr Bussmann be appointed to the role of Secretary General with effect from the International Congress in Cairo in November this year. Members acceptance will be taken as read.

Next International Congress of Egyptologists 2023
The Secretariat received only one bid to host the next Congress, from representatives of a group of institutions based in LEIDEN/NETHERLANDS, headed by Professor Dr Olaf Kaper, Professor of Egyptology at the University. Leiden of course has a very strong and long-established tradition of scholarship in Egyptology, Near Eastern Studies and other related disciplines, and in our view the bid, which had been clearly been very thoroughly prepared and is supported by representatives of a number of academic and other institutions in the city, is excellent in all respects. A prospectus prepared by the organising committee is available here:
Kaper for ICE2023 in Leiden.pdf

We are very grateful to our colleagues in Leiden for their willingness to host the Congress which plays a vital role in uniting Egyptologists round the world. As there are no other bids to host the Congress in 2023 we propose that the bid from the Leiden team be accepted unopposed. Members acceptance will be taken as read.

Finally, you are reminded that the deadline for submitting comments etc on the revised Statutes of Association is 2 August 2019. A letter outlining the most important changes which have been introduced and the new draft itself are available here:
7290_IAE Letter re Statutes.pdf

Best wishes,
Dr Chris Naunton
Prof Dr Laure Pantalacci
Prof Dr Ursula Verhoeven