This section lists current advertised academic posts and funding opportunities which might be of interest for Egyptologists. You will find details of such opportunities or links to other websites.
Department of Near Eastern Studies at The Johns Hopkins University: Alexander Badawy Chair in Egyptian Art and Archaeology
The Department of Near Eastern Studies at The Johns Hopkins University invites applications for the Alexander Badawy Chair in Egyptian Art and Archaeology. This is an open rank search. The position is anticipated to begin July 1, 2022. The Department is dedicated to training scholars who appreciate the interconnectedness of the ancient world, particularly the Near East and northern Africa. The program values a holistic approach to Egyptian material culture and seeks to attract candidates with expertise in the substance and methodologies of art history and archaeology, as well as a firm grounding in Egyptian language. A field project in progress would be of interest; JHU currently holds a concession in the Temple of Mut at South Karnak and has been active there since 2001. The areas and periods of specialization are open, although the ability to offer courses in the history of Ancient Egypt and Middle Egyptian is desirable. Faculty have the opportunity to teach and conduct research in the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum. Candidates must demonstrate a strong publication record and a commitment to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Applicants should submit a letter of interest describing their research agenda, a writing sample, and a curriculum vitae. In addition, candidates applying at the level of assistant professor should send teaching evaluations, if available, and three letters of recommendation. Those applying at the tenured level should provide the names of three references and teaching evaluations. All materials should be submitted by November 15th, 2021. All application materials must be submitted online via Interfolio, using the “Apply Now for Free” button:
This institution is using Interfolio’s Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge. The search committee is committed to hiring candidates who, through their research, teaching, and/or service will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community. Johns Hopkins University is committed to active recruitment of a diverse faculty and student body. The University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer of women, minorities, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities and encourages applications from these and other protected group members. Consistent with the University’s goals of achieving excellence in all areas, we will assess the comprehensive qualifications of each applicant.
Institute of Egyptology University of Vienna : Research Position
The Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, at the University of Vienna welcomes applications for a Research Position (80% Post Doc / 32 hours per week).
The position is assigned to the research project Ägyptologische Perspektiven auf ausgewählte Axiome einer historischen Text- und Bildnarratologie, which is funded by the Jubiläumsfonds of the Austrian National Bank. The position starts December 1st, 2019 and has a duration of 24 months.
Successful applicants hold a PhD in Egyptian philology or visual culture and are well trained in approaching Egyptological topics from an interdisciplinary perspective. Ideally, they are familiar with transmedial narrative theory. The successful position holder is expected to work either on the textual or the visual media part of the project („voices in texts“ or „visual narratives“). For further Questions please contact the project leader: gerald.moers@univie.ac.at.
Please send your applications as single pdf-file (including a letter of motivation, CV, copies of degrees, and a list of publications which highlights up to two relevant items) only per E-mail to aegyptologie@univie.ac.at.
The offer closes on Sunday, September 22nd, 2019.
DAI Kairo: Einladung zur Initiativbewerbung für Studentische Hilfskräfte
Die Abteilung Kairo des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts sucht regelmäßig Studentische Hilfskräfte zur Mitarbeit in Projekten der Abteilung. Aufgabengebiete sind insbes. die Digitalisierung von Archivmaterialien, die Fortentwicklung archäologischer Datenbanken und Materialzusammenstellungen sowie die Vorbereitung von Publikationen. Die Anstellungszeiträume sind individuell verhandelbar. Der Dienstort ist Kairo; die Tätigkeit wird nach den am DAI gültigen Sätzen für Studentische Hilfskräfte vergütet.
Angesichts des Aufgabenspektrums wird in der Regel ein mit dem BA abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium erwartet. Eine fachliche Orientierung im Bereich der Altertumswissenschaften mit einem klaren Bezug auf Ägypten sowie gute Kenntnisse digitaler Arbeitsweisen sind von Vorteil. Initiativbewerbungen sollten Angaben zum bisherigen Studienverlauf sowie zu Arbeitserfahrungen und Interessenschwerpunkten enthalten. Außerdem sollte eine Hochschullehrerin / ein Hochschullehrer benannt werden, der/die bereit ist, ggf. zur Eignung der Bewerberin/des Bewerbers Auskunft zu geben.
Initiativbewerbungen werden per e-mail (zusammengefaßt als ein einziges PDF-Dokument) bis zum 29. März 2019 erbeten an: stephan.seidlmayer@dainst.de
Stephan Seidlmayer
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan J. Seidlmayer
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Kairo
– Direktor –
P.S. InteressentInnen für eine Anstellung als Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (mit M.A.-Abschluß) werden auf die immer wieder veröffentlichten Ausschreibungen des DAI Kairo verwiesen.
Austrian Academy of Sciences: Subcontract for cultural matrix of the MB in Lebanon and Syria
The ERC Advanced Grant “The Hyksos Enigma” at the Host Institution the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) – Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology (OREA), funded by the European Research Council (ERC), is offering a subcontract for studies on the cultural matrix of the Middle Bronze Age in Lebanon and Syria.
Project Background: This project seeks to shed light on a very obscure and little understood part in Egyptian history, the so called Hyksos Period and its prelude (c. 1750-1530 BC), during which Egypt was confronted with two heretofore unparalleled phenomena: an influx of a substantial foreign population and – probably as a result – the rule of a foreign dynasty over large parts of Egypt.
Start/end dates: As soon as possible/delivery of work latest by 31.12.2019
Subcontract_SC4_The Hyksos Enigma.pdf
The Egyptologists’ Electronic Forum (EEF)
For job openings or advertised posts in Egyptology please cf. also THE EGYPTOLOGISTS’ ELECTRONIC FORUM (EEF) under: www.egyptologyforum.org/EEFNEWS.html (moderated by A. K. Eyma)
Scholarships and Grants
This section lists regular scholarships and grants which might be of interest for Egyptologists. You will find details of such opportunities or links to other web sites here.
- Stiftung für Ägyptologie gegründet von Prof. Dr. Schafik Allam zur Erforschung der ägyptischen Rechtsgeschichte:
Die Stiftung bezweckt die Förderung der Wissenschaft im Bereich der altägyptischen Rechtsgeschichte mit dem Schwerpunkt: Urkunden in Hieroglyphisch, Hieratisch, Kursivhieratisch, Demotisch und Koptisch - Stiftungsfonds für Postgraduates der Ägyptologie (ehemals “Hans-Goedicke-Stiftung”): International foundation to support academic research by Egyptologists.
- The Sofja Kovalevskaja Award: Important stepping stone for talented young researchers.
- The Shelby White – Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications: New Egyptian and Nubian Archaeology Publication Grants.
- Scholarship of the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures of Tel Aviv University:
The Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures of Tel Aviv University, in cooperation with TAU’s School for Overseas Students (OSP), is pleased to announce two $5,000 scholarships for international students in the new one year international program for overseas M.A. students – Archaeology and History of the Land of the Bible.