Sunday, 6th of Febr., 2011 In the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), we all realize with great appreciation the concerns of the entire Egyptological and…
Now that communications have been restored in Egypt, there has been emerging more news about Egypt’s antiquities than was available when I last wrote. The…
We would like to inform about activities undertaken by individuals independently from the IAE: Egyptological Looting Database 2011:egyptopaedia.com/2011/ Protect Egyptian Cultural Heritagewww.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_188849054473805 Mission to Restore…
The United Nations’ cultural organisation urged Egyptian authorities and protesters Tuesday to protect the country’s heritage and respect freedom of expression during the ongoing political…
Download:CIPEG-Statement.pdf ICOM has published an additional statement on Egypt:icom.museum/news/news/article/icom-urges-to-protect-egypts-cultural-heritage/L/0.html
As a permanent service we would like to announce stolen or illegal antiquities on this page under News. Please send any information to secretary@iae-egyptology.org.
The vast majority of IAE members can pay their membership fee most conveniently by the web payment method PayPal. However, PayPal is NOT available in…
Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the new website of the International Association of Egyptologists! Thanks to the efforts of our Secretary General, Prof. Dr. Ursula Verhoeven,…