We invite PhD students and Early Career Researchers (up to +4 years since PhD was awarded) who study any aspect of Egypt’s history from the Predynastic Period…
As announced some time ago, NINO is to enter into a closer cooperation with Leiden University and the National Museum of Antiquities (Leiden). NINO’s curatorium (Board of…
www.egyptian-architecture.comISSN : 2472-999X IAE members may be interested in the new online resource, “The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture” (JAEA). This peer-reviewed, scientific, open access…
Statement approved by the Council of the International Association of Egyptologists, June 2017 NINO has been one of the most prestigious and important departments for…
NINO (Netherlands Institute for the Near East – www.nino-leiden.nl -, based in Leiden, has since 1939 provided a (semi-)independent and vital support for Egyptology, Assyriology, and Ancient…
Dear Colleagues, We would like to introduce the peer-reviewed E-journal ‚Afrikanistik-Aegyptologie-Online’ to you. For 10 years the Journal appeared under the name ‚Afrikantistik-Online’. With the…
Dear Colleagues, I would like to request your feedback on a small-scale prototype version of our forthcoming Egyptology website, called Digital Giza. If you would…
1) The Executive Order issued by the President of the United States on 27 January, which prevents nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria,…
May’s passing is indeed a great loss for all her friends and for The Cairo Museum and in fact for all the Egyptological scene in…
The September issue of the MoA’s Newsletter is out now!MoA_Newsletter_Sept2016_English.pdfMoA_Newsletter_Sept2016_Arabic.pdf Back issues:www.egyptologyforum.org/MOA/MOA.htmlJoin the mailing list by email to: antiquitiesnewsletter@gmail.com